Prescott's Jan Manolis Will Invest in Ed When Elected This Fall

The Arizona Supreme Court's recent ruling to strike the Invest in Ed proposition from the ballots at the behest of corporate interests is a dire setback to Arizona's teachers, students, and families. This decision is an unforgivable breach of the people's will that we must answer.

With removal of the widely-supported, non-partisan Invest in Ed measure just prior to this election, the Republican-led state government sent a clear message. Radical career politicians who don't represent us have hijacked our state and are keeping a stranglehold on our state's future by choking funding for public education.

Along with so many other Arizonans who support public education as a cornerstone of civic good, I was shocked—though unfortunately not surprised—to hear of the loss of Invest in Ed, a measure borne of the wave of grassroots people power during the #RedForEd movement this year. I support Invest in Ed wholeheartedly: the measure would have increased revenue for our overburdened and underfunded public schools by an estimated $690 million annually.

As a career woman and educator who decided this year to run to represent the people in Legislative District 1 on a platform of education reform, healthcare, and environmental stewardship, I stand with the majority of Arizona voters who want to see meaningful and lasting changes in our legislature to help save education and rescue our future.

When elected to the state legislature, I will strive to bring the demands of hard-working Arizonans to the capitol. I will fight to enact meaningful and sustainable education reform in order to invest directly in the well-being of Arizonan learners today and to secure our prosperity for tomorrow. I believe this change starts with working across the aisle to ratify legislation to provide sustainable revenues for public education as an investment in our future that will provide abundant economic, cultural, and social returns for decades to come.
I urge you to use the power of your vote as the last line of defense to keep the predatory private interests behind Arizona's current state government from harming public education any further.

[Jan Manolis is a Clean Elections Democratic candidate in our district (LD1) for Arizona House. For her Republican opponent’s view of the #RedForEd movement see this Why I March issue. To learn more about Jan and support her campaign, go to]

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