Why Mayor Mengarelli Should Help Keep Families Together

The Prescott Indivisible Steering Committee sent Prescott Mayor Greg Mengarelli the following letter today:

Dear Mayor Mengarelli,

On June 14, 2018, Flagstaff Mayor Coral Evans used the power of her position to protest the separation of children from parents pursuant to the Trump Administration's “zero tolerance” immigration policy. In an official letter to U.S. Attorney General Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary Neilsen, Mayor Evans condemned the summary and likely illegal removal of minor children from the custody of their legal guardians as cruel, morally reprehensible, and unworthy of the decent and compassionate American community she proudly represents. With this letter, we call on you to do the same on behalf of the City of Prescott.

In a recent piece for Prescott E-News titled “Moving Forward Together,” you described Prescott as a vibrant community inhabited by people “filled with energy, optimism, and kindness.” Your involvement with United Christian Youth Camps and the Prescott School Board suggests that you care deeply about the moral, intellectual, and physical well-being of minor children.

We feel sure that, in spite of the Administration’s deliberate disinformation campaign regarding the cause and effects of its ad hoc immigration policies, you are following the ongoing humanitarian crisis on our Southwest border with care. You will know that a bipartisan delegation from the U.S. Conference of Mayors tried to inspect a child detention center in El Paso on June 21st, one day after the President acknowledged that it was within his executive power to abruptly end the gross mistreatment of children seized at the border. Blocked from touring the facility, Conference Vice-president and Mayor of Rochester Hills, Michigan Bryan Barnett said at the ensuing press conference, “We have to find a better way to balance our mutual respect for the rule of law with our ability to be kind humans and decent folks that exhibit compassion.” Mayor Barnett, a Republican, used the opportunity to add, “This is not a Republican or Democratic issue, but this is an issue that's impacting families.”

On June 30th, Prescott Indivisible is co-sponsoring a Families Belong Together rally here in Everybody's Hometown. Our peaceful demonstration will coincide with a nationwide event aimed at keeping the pressure on the Administration to end the separation of minor children from their families, begin reuniting the thousands of separated children with their families immediately, and thoroughly reform current border policies/practices. We invite you to join us for this non-partisan action at 6 p.m. at the Prescott College parking lot. If you are unable to attend, your letter to Administration officials urging them to end the inhumane treatment of refugees and migrants at the border will adequately reflect the kind, optimistic character of the community you serve.

On behalf of Prescott Indivisible, we are sincerely,

Rex Barton
Lois Case
Gail A. Cook
Maria-Elena Dunn
Rosemary Dixon
John Lutes
Maria Lynam
LaBeth Pondish
James A. Stein
Hal Tyler

Prescott Indivisible Steering Committee
Prescott, Arizona

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