Jaqueline Herst marches because...

I march to make racism wrong again in the dangerous age of Trump. 

Our fine experiment in representative self-government may be consigned to the ash-heap of history due to our fatal founding flaw, the denial of humanity to people of color forcibly captured or sold and shipped to the Americas as slaves. That all such gross inequalities are based on the predominantly patriarchal violence of (white) men is finally being seen for its corrosive effects.  

I march to bear witness to the worth and aspirations of all people without racial or gender restrictions. My liberty is at risk as long as gross inequalities are the rule in my country and elsewhere. We are imperiled by a racist, narcissistic President who promotes greed and power as the coin of the realm. It is a critical time requiring vigilance and peaceful resistance. Our freedoms are fragile. Silence is collusion.

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