Why We Must March for Science, April 14, Flagstaff

The success of the 2018 Women's March on Prescott (1200+ marchers) and March for Our Lives (1500+) right here in little ol' Prescott, AZ puts our elected officials on notice: We are not taking our democracy for granted anymore. We're done being treated as a flock of sheep under armed guard. Call us any name you like. We aren't reducible to a party label, and we're not going anywhere except to the streets and the voting booth to return the balance of power to the people of Arizona beginning this year.

March for Science Flagstaff, April 2017
On Saturday, April 14, hundreds of Arizonans will be on the streets of Flagstaff for the March for Science. The purpose of the 2nd March for Science, a nationwide event, is to show our support for the wellspring of our democracy—coordinated, ego-inhibiting, prejudice-busting rationalism. The current political regime at state and federal levels advocates extreme prejudice over evidence-based thinking; revelation (usually in the form of flat assertion) over deliberative fact-finding; precipitancy over mindful debate. We need to look no further than Scott Pruitt's mismanagement of the EPA to see how our daily quality of life is at risk as a result.

You don't have to be a career scientist to support the March for Science any more than you had to be a woman or a victim of gun violence to insist democracy work in February or March. As a participant in the world's second largest democracy, you are part of the most consequential scientific experiment yet devised by Homo sapiens. To publicly affirm your faith in the free thinking that gives rise to the civil liberties we can no longer take for granted, meet at Flagstaff's Thorpe Park, at 2 pm, April 14, 2018. The short march to City Hall is secured by local Peace Officers. The rally on the lawn at the corner of Historic Route 66 and N. Humphreys St. is a great place to make some pro-science noise for a big audience. See you there!

For more information about the march, visit the March for Science Flagstaff facebook site at https://www.facebook.com/events/183305765766212/.

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