Nancy Mattina marches because...

I march because voting is not enough in the post-Citizen's United era.

Because caring and wrapping myself in family, Nature, and time-tested liberal ideals is not enough when bigotry in all its hideous forms is respectable among the men and women who govern us.

Because reduce, reuse, recycle is not enough to safeguard the health and beauty of the planet and all its beings when science as the path to compassionate understanding is under radical attack.

Because if I don't stand to say “Enough!” to those who kill, incarcerate, and oppress people like me because we don't look or act like them, what kind of country will I leave for my children and yours?

Because bickering with the Left, Right, or Center in our political culture distracts us from the orderly pursuit of a just and equitable society for all, wing nuts included.

Because we need a national dialogue on 'personhood' that isn't immediately shut down by enraged ideologues.

Because women are not property but champions of human rights, water keepers, light-bringers, and mothers pregnant with life-giving ideas, if only we seize our moment.

I march because hope is not enough. 

Because if I don't march on the side of good with my fellow women who will?

Because I discovered on January 21, 2017 that the courage to march comes once you show up.

Surprise yourself. Women are marching in Prescott on January 20, 2018. If you aren't physically able to march, tell your friends why you wish you could. Send someone in your place. Marching by itself isn't enough either. But we march because we are hopeful doers, just like you.

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