The Prescott Indivisible Steering Committee sent Prescott Mayor Greg Mengarelli the following letter today: Dear Mayor Mengarelli, On June 14, 2018, Flagstaff Mayor Coral Evans used the power of her position to protest the separation of children from parents pursuant to the Trump Administration's “ zero tolerance ” immigration policy. In an official letter to U.S. Attorney General Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary Neilsen, Mayor Evans condemned the summary and likely illegal removal of minor children from the custody of their legal guardians as cruel, morally reprehensible, and unworthy of the decent and compassionate American community she proudly represents. With this letter, we call on you to do the same on behalf of the City of Prescott. In a recent piece for Prescott E-News titled “Moving Forward Together,” you described Prescott as a vibrant community inhabited by people “filled with energy, optimism, and kindness.” Your involvement with Unit...