Rosemary Dixon marches because...

I march because I have always marched. Even as a young teenager, I saw inequality and senseless war. I march to fight injustice.

Even more so, under the watch of this crooked administration I see injustice INCREASING. I see our public lands being sold to the highest bidder. I see environmental racism, institutional racism and systemic racism. People of Color are not safe in our country. I see immigrants demonized. I see oil pipelines taking precedence over clean water and treaty rights. I see women shouting #ME TOO from the rooftops. I see our free press imperiled. I see our children’s health neglected and threatened to save a few corporate tax dollars. I see a pretty good attempt at insuring our people being dismantled due to greed and revenge. I see people LITERALLY DYING because they are poor and cannot afford health care.

In marching together we create solidarity, we foster community and we become strong. Women in this country have been fighting for centuries. We know how and will endure as we always have endured. We will be heard. We are NOT going away and we will make waves, we will rock this leaky ship of state. We will NOT let Donald Trump and his administration run democracy into the ground.

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