Barb Wills marches because...

I march for my brother who has an incurable and rare form of lymphoma that is in remission because of a $12,000 a month chemotherapy drug. Without Medicaid assistance he could not afford to take it because his immune system is very poor.

I march to send a message to Governor Ducey that my brother would love to be able to work in return for receiving Medicaid help. But he has days where he is extremely tired and is not able to do do.
The governor needs to know not all Medicaid recipients are “takers.”

I march for my brother’s high-school-aged son, who only has his father and worries if his dad will keep getting the drug he needs to keep his cancer in remission.

I march for all of the teachers in public schools who are committed to teaching our children and struggle with over full classrooms, too little support, low salaries, and the constant cuts to public school funding.

I march for all the women who need access to Planned Parenthood for health care needs and have to deal with those who oppose it yelling at them when they go in for a cancer screen.

I march for my daughters who should not have to live in a country where the President brags about sexually assaulting women with impunity. 

I march for all the mothers and my nephew who need Congress to renew funding for the Children’s Health Care Program.

I march for all of the people in this country who let a TV pundit tell them how to think, how to feel and how to vote. I march that they might search for facts and answers themselves.

I march for the beautiful forests behind my home in the Prescott mountains wishing that climate change will be taken seriously and that I will have blue skies and green trees and rainfall to nurture them long past when I am gone.

I march for my daughter who works in medical research to develop new medicines and procedures to help people live longer with a better quality of life. Her job is made more difficult by a President who insists on repealing two FDA regulation for every new one regardless of merit. She worries that not enough is being done to protect people from the effects of new medicines due to lax regulations. I march so that she will never be subjected to sexual harassment on the job.

I march for myself and all other women who want a safe, clean and stable world for our children and grandchildren. Who want women and children to have access to health care, to have a warm bed to sleep in. Who do not have to live in fear of harassment if they “look different” or believe different.

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