Want Equality Under The Law? Vote For It.

By Jo Craycraft, Prescott My goal is to get the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) ratified in Arizona, one of thirteen states holding out on this critical safeguard of women’s—and men’s—rights. Only one more state needs to ratify the ERA in order to have it be a constitutional amendment. The Arizona legislature had the opportunity to be that 38th state just last year, but House Republicans denied debate. Why should this be a Republican or Democratic issue? The ERA guarantees that the rights set forth in the Constitution are meant for all citizens regardless of their sex. Importantly, it would define the meaning of sex discrimination for the courts so that both women and men can be assured of receiving consistent and fair legal adjudication of sex discrimination cases no matter where they live. One of the most important results of ratification of the ERA would be the guarantee of equal pay for equal work, enabling women to finally achieve salary parity with men. This is not only crit...