
Why Pat Beitel Marches On

I march for all the young women that I have worked with who did not have a voice!  I march in solidarity with those who have been raped, battered and even murdered. A visual that I will never forget. I had a 13 year-old patient who was 36 weeks pregnant when she was strangled. I went to the funeral and the teenager and her infant were in the same coffin! I march for a homeless woman with schizophrenia who was raped and then the police discounted her. She said to me, "Just because I'm crazy doesn't mean I wasn't raped!" I will continue to fight for those without a voice!  In my career as a women's health nurse practitioner I had the opportunity to work with many pregnant and parenting teenagers. Despite the odds against them, many made use of the resources made available to them and finished high school!  I believe you!  March On!

Why I March On

I'm a retired teacher but I haven't stopped asking questions. Are we still holding minors in detention centers to satisfy the bloodlust of a vile apparatchik? Do millions of kids go to school everyday wondering if today’s the day they’ll be gunned down by a white male lunatic?   Are their schools grossly underfunded but expected to arm teachers? Are unarmed black men still being shot in cold blood by police officers and vigilantes while sex crimes, trafficking, and domestic violence that affect women disproportionally go uninvestigated, unpunished, and unreported?   Is cruelty the point of domestic and international policy because doing the intelligent, compassionate thing is too complicated for the Republican base? Are “know-nothing” politicians and their corporate cronies destroying the conditions for multicellular life on the planet? Do we trample our First Nations peoples shouting "America First" BS? Must mothers continue to teach their daughters ...

Why Jennifer Masse Marches On

Let me just start of by listing a few recent items that make me want to march.   Rapist Jacob Walter Anderson served no jail time.  Rapist Brock Turner only served three months in jail.  A rape victim gives birth in a care-home after being in a comatose state for over 20 years.    I'm a life-long feminist. I was raised by a feminist (thank you, Mom). And I’ve had people, including (white) women, tell me that women already have equal rights so I should just be quiet and enjoy it. And it’s true that our grandmothers fought for and won our right to vote, the right to own property, the right to hold bank accounts in our names, the right to earn degrees and have careers, the right to decide how many children we want to have, and a lot more. But are we truly free when our society teaches us from a very young age to be afraid and even terrified? To never go anywhere at night alone. Not to drink too much at parties. Not to go jogging in public with ear buds. To...

Why Whitney Williams Marches On

I march for the women who can’t.  I march for an inclusive, safe, loving future my daughters can flourish in.  I march for reproductive rights.  I march for a world where women are born equal to men.  I march for equality.  I march for us all!

Why Amy Hurst, Chair of YC Women March On, Marches On

I march on because I believe in the rule of law and that no person is above the law. I march on because I detest corruption and ignorance and bigotry. I march on because I care about women’s rights. I march on because I care about LGBT rights. I march on because I care about all human rights. I march on because I do not want guns in our schools. I march on because I believe we need to build bridges not walls. I march on because I believe we must have humane immigration policies. I march on because I believe science is real and that we must protect our environment. I march on because I am buoyed by the energy of other like-minded people. I march on because I believe together we can effect real change. I march on because I must!  

Irma Vazquez Marches Because...

When I was about 11, one of the nuns in my school called me a "bold and brazen girl." Though at the time it hurt my feelings, eventually I came to embrace her words. On January 19, 2019, I will march in the hopes that all women, their children and their children's children, can be born into a world where they are free and able to live lives of their own choosing, boldly and unapologetically. I will march so that all women can embrace their true nature without fear or shame or guilt, so that they may use their many and diverse gifts to enrich all of humanity far into the distant future. March On!

Why Marion Pack Marches On

I march because I have no other choice. To not march, not to   speak out would be complicity. To stand aside, to keep silent when a wrong is   being committed in some cases is considered a crime. In that, I will not be a   participant! When we march, our voices are magnified tenfold, one hundred   fold and in some actions, a thousand fold. To march is solidarity; to march is  unity; to march is indivisible!