New Name, Same Mission for the 2019 Women's March

Bold plans are in the works for the 2019 Women’s March, to occur on Sat., January 19, 1 p.m., at the Prescott Courthouse Plaza. The first order of business at a recent leadership meeting was to rename Women’s March On Prescott Yavapai County Women March On. The new moniker better reflects where those who have marched with us throughout 2018 reside. The predicate “March On” links the group to national March On , a 501(c)(4) organization formed after the 2017 Women’s March “to coordinate concrete actions at the federal, state, and local level through the joint efforts of millions of marchers.” Yavapai County Women March On is that local level and we intend to build a strong grassroots coalition of pro-women, anti-authoritarian marchers in our county that will fight for concrete improvements in women’s lives here and everywhere. The new mission statement of YCWMO puts it like this: "Millions of us marched in 2017 and 2018. We resi...