Vote And Work For A Healthy Democracy In Arizona

By Jan Manolis During this extraordinary 2018 midterm election season, Democratic candidates throughout Arizona have advocated specific, commonsense remedies to redirect our State and its people on a path toward a stronger and healthier democracy. In the moving words of progressive activist Ady Barkan , “T he cure to what ails American democracy is more American democracy.” We must join together to stop the train going down the track of authoritarianism, racism and kleptocracy. Yes, The People must vote, but The People must also get organized and take action — individual and community action — in redirecting our future to an Arizona that respects, honors and cares for its lands and all its people, not just a few wealthy elites. During my campaign for Arizona House, I have joined thousands of good women and men who have chosen to participate in redirecting Arizona away from a diseased, weakened condition to one of recovered and restored good health. What ef...